Oh no, Andrew's the shortest now.
On Friday we took a jeep up my dad's hill and did some mondo, extreme off roading. In typical Norris style we got the jeep stuck in some terrain they would couldn't walk in, more or less drive in. Also in typical Norris style, we got the jeep unstuck...the hard/complicated way.
While I enjoyed the majesty of nature...
My brother appreciated it in his own, subtle way. No seriously, I drove that bad boy too. Impressed?
Our dog, Ranger, is an old bear now. He's still bouncy, but his bones are slowing down a bit. We took turns on Sunday cutting his hair.
Just like old times. Oh look, Andrew doing work while Stuart and Ian look good in shades? Hmmmmm.
So yes the weekend rocked like old. Stuart's headed back to Ft. Bragg for language school on Monday. He got Tagalog, and I've decided to pick it up as well. I'd insert some witty Tagalogish comment in here, but I'm still too ashamed of my skills. Maybe next time. Once he's finished there he goes to S.E.R.E school (survive evade resist escape...school). Basically it's a run away, get captured, and beat to a pulp type school. It's 2 weeks, and he says that it will suck, but I guess it's not one of the school's where they try to weed you out. And then finally he'll be stationed in Ft. Lewis, Washington. I'll be there next Summer, so that should be groovy.
Anyways, catch you later.