so this is Tenino. i got bored while rehearsing my land navigation studies. i have learned much to do about 8 digit grid coordinates, modified resections, and like back azimuths or something while gazing upon this magical land. maybe someday i'll visit tenino, i would totally be able to find the water towers and unimproved roads.
things are just groovy dooby doo over here. oh i bought a car last sunday, that's new. have i posted about that yet? no probably not. i should put up sleek pictures of me squatting next to the rims, but no i think not. i have yet to do laundry at school, which shows how much i have had to drive home. and my room is still minus a beautiful plant.
lately in class shakespeare hamlet jeez, montaigne apology for raymond sabond just finished, descartes' geometry ahh, and galileo dialogues concerning two new sciences.
this should be longer, but i want to brush my teeth and take a shower. i'm going to wear my retainer tonight, guys!