Elliot, I got your post thingy. So pick up your phone, bro.
It's foggy in Aptos, big surprise. So instead of the beach, you can enjoy your Tuesday with me in the house with my cat who is on her moons again. I just made this lovely gargonzola pasta and was walking back to my room with a steaming bowl, when I saw her in front of the bathroom coughing up some goodness-knows-what-disaster. Ian needs to start cleaning that up, so I walked right by her and shut the door.
Montana? Montaigne? How about Montage...
Sophomores can do the shapoopi.
Me working on the wildlife conservation merit badge. I forgot the name of that rare plant though, think it had ice or wolf in it. If you look closely you can see the necklace I made in handicraft! Who wears short shorts?
Philmont crew. We weren't the fastest hikers, and since we came from sea level we had a natural disadvantage with the altitude. But we were the most efficient and earliest risers so we beat all the other crews, while on the most difficult trek. Augie, Augie, Augie
Matt and the Washington Memorial.
This picture rocks, not so much because of Elliot, but man awesome photography, photographer. Good job.
And then there was new york.
Where did we all go?
See, I can play the piano.
I looked liked Darth Vader in my uniform, and no I was not a kicker.
And then there was my brother's birthday just before he shipped out.
That summer I was at Airborne school. Which one in this picture do you think is me?
Since we couldn't get untangled, why not come down together? You land left, I'll land right? No, no, no we both go right.
On the ground and soon to be celebrating. Alabama terrain never felt so good.
And back again. I've realized that at the start, playing baseball was not so much about my brother and I wanting to play, but rather my mom wanting to dress us up.
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