Sunday, February 12, 2006

sometimes i stay up late to the point where i get nauseous and i can hear chiming bells in my head. there's also blotchy colors. at least i think those bells are in my mind and not elsewhere. these usually mark the time when i walk to my bed without brushing my teeth or washing my face or sometimes without taking my contacts out. maybe it's because i like to think everyone else is asleep. maybe it's just a better time to think, or that time to think won't let me pass. i know a little bit is me accepting the bleeding exhaustion. even welcoming it.

do you ever feel cheap for using a thesaurus? probably most english teachers recommend you use one; it makes you smarter if it doesn't improve your vocabulary. but maybe we're really supposed to stare at the tip of the pencil or the blinking vertical line until we find exactly the right word we're looking for. it's either that or pick from a list of "eloquent" (man i don't like that word right now; might as well attach an essay on fakiness to it. i'd say phony, but there's enough holden in this world)words you somewhat know the relative meaning of, and plug it in there. only you don't have the experience with the word, just roget's or american heritage said so. i guess sometimes you feel good about the word, but usually cheap too.

the funny thing about the chiming bells is i've never heard that music before.

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