Friday, February 20, 2009

No disrespect to Cesar Chavez, but the fact that Loyola Marymount University observes Cesar Chavez day, and ignores President's Day (a federal holiday) is messed up.

1 comment:

Hot Sam said...

Interestingly, few people recall that Cesar Chavez opposed illegal immigration because it would undermine the wages and jobs of his farm workers union.

You're not the first to recognize that the heroes of the distant past are being displaced by heroes of the recent past (or present). Some have suggested that Constantine chose Christmas in December to displace a pagan festival.

Honoring people with holidays, to me, is blasphemous. We've even gone overboard with naming ships after living people.

Every group has got to have its heroes, its culture, and its victories celebrated. But we've got more groups, more heroes, and more causes than we have days in the year and thousands of more heroes are yet to come.

How about we have "Work an Extra Hour for Free Day" to thank your employer for providing and keeping your job.